This is El Dorado, bro.
From time to time I’ve pointed out the reality of criminals changing their behavior based on their perceptions of a community’s commitment to criminal accountability. Most notably was the convicted murderer Phillip Dorsett toasting George Gascon and his early release directives last year. Or just a few months ago another convicted murderer Luis Hernandez from LA so happy with Gascon’s policies that he proclaimed he wanted Gascon’s name tattooed on his face.

Michael Green Sentenced / New DA Interrogation Policy
Michael Green On September 27, 2022, Judge Suzanne Kingsbury sentenced Michael Green to 15 years to life in prison for the second-degree murder in 1985 of Jane Hylton. Green is being sentenced 37 years after Hylton was stabbed to death inside her home and 2 years...
Convicted – Robert Allen Oakes
Robert Allen Oakes On September 20, 2022, an El Dorado County jury convicted 58-year-old Robert Allen Oakes of three counts of felony child molestation and one additional felony count of meeting with a minor for lewd purposes. In 2009-2010, Mr. Oakes was the...
Homeless Crisis | Short
Here’s Why California Housing Can’t Fix Our Homeless CrisisCourtesy of California...